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Scholarships & Aid

Stanstead College is committed to enrolling a talented and diverse student body. To accomplish this, we provide admission opportunities to as many qualified applicants as possible. Our Financial Aid Program bridges the gap between what a family can afford and what it costs to attend Stanstead College. For the 2021-2022 academic year, over 44% of the student body received scholarship funding and/or financial aid amounting to over $2.1 million. Canadian and American citizens are prioritized. International students are considered for tuition assistance only under exceptional circumstances.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available to students in Grades 7 through 12 based on academic merit and financial need. In order to be eligible for financial aid, students must first submit a completed application to the College as well as a completed financial aid application to Apple Financial Services (FACS) or Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST). Applicants are encouraged to apply early, ideally by February 1 to receive full consideration.

The College makes every effort to meet the needs of families applying to the school however it should be noted that awards normally do not exceed 50% of tuition fees. The average financial aid award is 25% of tuition fees.

Financial assistance awards are based upon two criteria. The principal factor is the family’s financial situation and need for assistance as determined through a completed application through FACS or FAST. The second determinant is the applicant’s assessed overall merit: his/her current or potential contribution to the Stanstead College community as determined through the completed application to the College (including references, personal or telephone interview, admissions test and academic reports, community involvement, school involvement, extra-curricular activities, etc.).

Financial Aid awards are normally offered for one academic year and are renewable annually provided the student has maintained a strong academic average, with no major disciplinary issues, and has remained active within the College community.

NOTE: Parents and students of families receiving financial assistance will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement on acceptance before the start of the academic year. This agreement will be strictly enforced.


Students entering Grades 7 through 12 may be eligible to compete for scholarships, renewable annually based on the same criteria as financial aid awards. Scholarships are based on both merit and financial need.

To qualify, applicants must:
  • be Canadian or American citizens;
  • have fully completed an application by January 31;
  • have submitted financial paperwork via FACS or FAST by January 31; and
  • have a core-subject average of at least 85% on their most recent report card.
Athletic scholarships are not available at Stanstead College.

Note that the amount allocated for scholarships varies year to year.

List of 3 items.

  • Entrance Scholarship Exam

    The annual entrance scholarship examination is by invitation only. It includes testing in core subject areas including: English, French and Mathematics. The Entrance Scholarship Exam takes place at the end of February.
  • Partial Scholarships

    A number of partial scholarships are available each year to new students, awarded on the basis of the scholarship examination, averaging 25% of tuition fees, up to a maximum of 50% of tuition fees. These are renewable according to the same criteria as the full scholarship.
  • Alumni Legacy Scholarships

    Spartan pride is something you carry with you all your life, and our alumni often pass that pride onto their daughters and sons. Stanstead College would like to help carry that legacy forward by offering a $1,000 entrance scholarship to the children and grandchildren of our alumni. Contact admissions@x-wingfashion.com for details.

Scholarships Include...

List of 5 items.

  • Andrew Martin Scholarship

    Presented to a new or existing student with an average of 80% and who excels in some other area of activity.
  • Eric T. Webster Scholarship

    To a deserving new or returning student from the Eastern Townships.
  • Nick & Enid Carter Scholarship

    Presented to a local student entering Grade 7 or 8, preferably but not necessarily Canadian.
  • Northeast Kingdom Day Student Awards

    Presented to local qualifying U.S. students.
  • Ontario and Maritime Scholarships

    Presented to qualifying top Ontario and Maritime student-athletes.

Special Prizes and End-of-Year Awards

These awards are available to returning students who are selected through a faculty nomination and voting process. Selection procedure of recipients varies according to the award or prize. A few are determined through committee, and two through a vote of all faculty and students. Amounts associated with these special prizes and awards range from $100 to $3,000.

Sibling Discount

A 5% reduction in tuition and boarding fees may be awarded to older siblings in a single family where more than one child attends the school. Please note that sibling discounts are not automatically offered if students are already receiving financial aid and/or scholarship.